2013년 3월 31일 일요일

Work at Good Neighbors II

Work at Good Neighbors Part.II

It's been over two years since I started to work at Good Neighbors.
First year was so wonderful..
As a member of Contents Planning Team at 20 years anniversary of the organization, I could learn every history of the organization with newly published two books. The member who I met in the team was wonderful.
Last year I joined Strategic Planning Team which is functioned as a management hub of the organization. I had been learning our key growth indicators and long-term concerns with consulting work experiences.
It's much more challenging and struggling but worth enjoying.
In the team, there were not only great perfomers but also great humans. They were not only enthusiastic but having good performances at their own works. It was my great honor to work with them.
This year at 2013, I moved to Fundraising Planning Team in Fundraising Division. Again as the first year, I become a researcher to help the fundraising marketing.
I think I am lucky with these series of wonderful experiences and thank to all.
Through this, I start to learn a aspect of team spirits with humble manner.
Especially, I should give thanks to three people. First of all, the Secretary General Yang is the most admirable person in GN.
She is really a multi-tasker, and memorize every details of work with great passion. I learnt from her to become a leader of a single organization.
Second, I am appreciate with the Team Manager Kim in Contents Planning and Strategic Planning Teams. Both the two teams, she was my team manager. She is the person who are the best Middle Leader in GN to mediate us with top leaders.
Lastly, I must cite Ms. Kim who are my close mentor and friend during the first and last two teams. She always research better than me wirh enornous references.
Work at Good Neighbors will be end in this following June. I will do my best until that moment.

Becoming A Candidate of PhD

This Fall 2013!

2013년 3월 27일 수요일

Yoonseon and I with same age

My grandmother found this photo (right)
And we all quite shocked to the similarity of Yoonseon and I

2013년 3월 23일 토요일