2014년 9월 1일 월요일

After the first year in Cleveland

I still love Cleveland 

from the very first day I arrived. 

I noticed, however, there are somewhat 

conservative atmosphere in this city, 

while I had been visited Brooklyn 

for 3 week straight in August, 2014. 

Like Seoul, 

the citizens in Cleveland seems to pretend 

they are typical and normal 

characteristics and personality. 

I don't want to disguise myself, 

because I like and love myself enough. 

2014년 7월 18일 금요일

Compare US and KO (1) 도로에서

왜 한국에 있으면 답답했는지 
왜 미국에 오니까 살것같은지
몇개 찾은게 있다

한국에선 하루종일 내가 아무리 상쾌한 아침의 기분을 유지하려고 해도 태클걸리는 일이 많다. 특히 운전할때 서로 양보하지 않으려 하고 먼저 가려고 하는 행태를 뒤에서 관망하고 있으면 참 우습다. 너만 바쁘냐?

미국에선 아침에 기분이 좀 찌푸둥해도 하루동안 지내면서 오히려 기분이 상쾌해지는 날이 나에겐 더 많다. 특히 운전할때 기본은 다같이 양보하자이다. 혹시 상대방이 급하다는 뉘앙스를 풍기면 얼른 주저없이 비켜주곤 한다. 여기선 나혼자 한국에서처럼 약삽하게 바쁜척 해도 아무도 나와 경쟁하려하지 않는다.

한가지 사례가 더 있다. 미국에선 내가 하고 싶은 대로 마음껏 일상에서 스쳐가는 사람들에게 행동하고 말할수 있다. 그건 좀 섬세한 접근이 필요한 문제이므로 다음에 다뤄보기로 한다.

2014년 3월 1일 토요일

7-month stay in US

Since the first day of August, 2013 I have stayed here in Cleveland, Ohio seeking doctoral degree.
Today is the first day of March, 2014 - the Independence Declaration Day of Korea.
I had thinked that there were exceptionally more issues or accidents in and out of South Korea during the 7-month period.
However today I feel the number of accidents is not disportionally larger.
I now think that there were exceptionally more concern or attention from me.
Because of outside presence of South Korea, I have payed more attention on every single issue compared to having less attention while I was inside presence of South Korea.
From now I on, I promise with myself that I will maintain the higher level of concern and attention wherever I live in the future.
I, as an extreme individualist, now become more patriotic on the first day of March.

2014년 2월 25일 화요일

Second Semester on Doctoral Course

It is much better than the first semester.
Life goes easier.
In spite of physically more demanding, I feel less stressful on the second semester.
Basic courses on both quantitative and qualitative methodology are very helpful for me to establish the cornerstone of future scientific research.
So far so good..*
Go steady!

2013년 3월 31일 일요일

Work at Good Neighbors II

Work at Good Neighbors Part.II

It's been over two years since I started to work at Good Neighbors.
First year was so wonderful..
As a member of Contents Planning Team at 20 years anniversary of the organization, I could learn every history of the organization with newly published two books. The member who I met in the team was wonderful.
Last year I joined Strategic Planning Team which is functioned as a management hub of the organization. I had been learning our key growth indicators and long-term concerns with consulting work experiences.
It's much more challenging and struggling but worth enjoying.
In the team, there were not only great perfomers but also great humans. They were not only enthusiastic but having good performances at their own works. It was my great honor to work with them.
This year at 2013, I moved to Fundraising Planning Team in Fundraising Division. Again as the first year, I become a researcher to help the fundraising marketing.
I think I am lucky with these series of wonderful experiences and thank to all.
Through this, I start to learn a aspect of team spirits with humble manner.
Especially, I should give thanks to three people. First of all, the Secretary General Yang is the most admirable person in GN.
She is really a multi-tasker, and memorize every details of work with great passion. I learnt from her to become a leader of a single organization.
Second, I am appreciate with the Team Manager Kim in Contents Planning and Strategic Planning Teams. Both the two teams, she was my team manager. She is the person who are the best Middle Leader in GN to mediate us with top leaders.
Lastly, I must cite Ms. Kim who are my close mentor and friend during the first and last two teams. She always research better than me wirh enornous references.
Work at Good Neighbors will be end in this following June. I will do my best until that moment.